Start exploring where you have not dared to sail before!
The complete guide to sailing without fear of pirates and other criminals is now available at

Facts about Piracy
The Complete Yacht Security Handbook is based on thoroughly researched facts about piracy and other criminal activities against cruising yachts.
More than 250 attacks on yachts world-wide were analyzed to give you a sound basis for your…

Hands On Yacht Security
Readers will find a score of hands on yacht security solutions for your stay in marinas, anchorages and passages in troubled waters. These include navigation strategies, crime avoidance maeasures, confrontation tactics as well as more than fourty …

Empowering Handbook
This is your empowering handbook enabeling you to test to places guided by your dreams, not your anxieties. It will enable you to go where you have not dared to travel before.
So many beautiful places were shunned by cruisers because of security c…